Editors’ Blog: BNP members list leak gathers pace online – to link or not to link?

BNP members list leak gathers pace online – to link or not to link? | Editors’ Blog: “BNP members list leak gathers pace online – to link or not to link?
November 19th, 2008 Posted by Laura Oliver in Legal, Online Journalism, Press freedom and ethics

Removing the original online posting of the leaked list of members of the British National Party (BNP) has failed to contain the spread of the information online.

The list and reactions to it are being avidly Twittered, as a search for BNP on Twitter search engine Summize shows, while the document has made its way onto Wikileaks.

According to the party’s website, the blog that posted the ‘outdated’ list was removed from Blogger ‘after urgent legal action was instituted by the BNP leadership’.

In a article, BNP leader Nick Griffin has admitted that the party is relying on the Human Rights Act, which it opposes, to help protect its members’ privacy.”