Academic Activities


1. Akdeniz, Y., Racism on the Internet, Council of Europe Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-92-871-6634-0.

Racism on the Internet by Yaman Akdeniz

2. Internet Child Pornography and the Law: National and International Responses, Ashgate, May 2008 (ISBN-13 978-0-7546-2297-0.

3. Akdeniz, Y., & Altiparmak, K., Internet: Restricted Access: A Critical Assessment of Internet Content Regulation and Censorship in Turkey, Ankara: Imaj Yayinevi, November 2008 (Both in Turkish and English).

4. Internet Governance: Towards the modernization of policy making process in Turkey, Turkish Informatics Society, Istanbul: Papatya Yayincilik, September 2003, ISBN 975-6797-44-4 (both in English and Turkish). Published also by Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, 2004.

5. Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000 (ISBN: 0582356563).

6. Sex on the Net? The Dilemma of Policing Cyberspace, Reading: South Street Press, 1999.


1. Akdeniz, Y., Freedom of Information in Turkey: A Critical Assessment of the Implementation and Application of the Right to Information Act 2003, May 2008, BilgiEdinmeHakki.Org.

2. Akdeniz, Y., Stocktaking on efforts to combat Racism on the Internet, background report for the High Level Seminar on Racism and the Internet, Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, Fourth session, Geneva, 16-27 January 2006, E/CN.4/2006/WG.21/BP.1, published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) Office: Geneva, January 2006, 45pp.

3. Akdeniz, Y., An Advocacy Handbook for the Non Governmental Organisations: The Council of Europe’s Cyber-Crime Convention 2001 and the additional protocol on the criminalisation of acts of a racist or xenophobic nature committed through computer systems, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties, December 2003 (revised and updated in May 2008).

Chapters in Books

New: “Introduction,” in Legal Instruments for Combating Racism on the Internet, Council of Europe Publishing, Human Rights and Democracy Series, 2009, pp 7-37, (

New: “Turkey”, and “United Kingdom” country reports in Freedom House, Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media, April 2009, pp 100-113.

1. “Governance of Hate Speech on the Internet,” in Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Governing the Internet: Freedom and Regulation in the OSCE Region, Vienna, Austria, 2007 (ISBN 3-9501955-4-8), pp 91-118.
2. “Who Watches the Watchmen? The Role of Filtering Software in Internet Content Regulation,” in Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (“OSCE”) Representative on Freedom of the Media eds, The Media Freedom Internet Cookbook, Vienna: Austria, 2004, pp 101-125.
3. “CyberCrime,” chapter in Stokes, S., & Carolina, R., eds., E-Commerce Law and Regulation Encyclopedia, Sweet & Maxwell, December 2003, pp 15-1 – 15-64 (revised in January 2007, 64 pages).
4. Computer Crime, chapter in Saxby, S. eds., Encyclopedia of Information Technology, Sweet & Maxwell, chapter 12, 2007.
5. “Internet Governance, and Freedom in Turkey,” in Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (“OSCE”) Representative on Freedom of the Media eds, Spreading the Word on the Internet: 16 answers to 4 questions, Reflections on Freedom of the Media and the Internet, pp 29-43, Vienna, Austria, 2003.
6. Akdeniz, Y., & Bell, J., “La vie privée et l’Internet: Perspectives du Royaume-Uni,” in Tabatoni, P. (ed), La protection de la vie privée dans la société d’information: Tomes 3, 4 et 5 : L’impact des systèmes électroniques d’information, Paris: Presses Universitaries de France, 2002, pp 151-160.
7. “Cyberspace,” “Online Service Providers as Censors,” “Yasar Kemal,” and the “Global Internet Liberty Campaign,” entries in Derek Jones eds. Censorship: An International Encyclopaedia, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2002.
8. Akdeniz, Y., “Controlling Illegal and Harmful Content on the Internet,” in Wall, D.S. (eds) Crime and the Internet, London: Routledge, November 2001, pp 113-140.
9. Akdeniz, Y., & Strossen, N., “Sexually Oriented Expression,” in Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000, pp 207-231.
10. Akdeniz, Y., & Rogers, W.R.H., “Defamation on the Internet,” in Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000, pp 294-317.
11. Akdeniz, Y., “Child Pornography,” in Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000, 231-249.
12. Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., “Whisper Who Dares: Encryption, privacy rights and the new world order,” in Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000, 317-349.
13. Walker, C., Wall, D., Akdeniz, Y., The Internet, law, and Society, in Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., &, Wall, D., (eds), The Internet, Law and Society, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000, 3-25.
14. Akdeniz, Y., “Policing the Internet: Regulation and censorship,” chapter in Gibson, R, & Ward, S., (eds), Reinvigorating Democracy? British Politics and the Internet, Ashgate, 2000, 169-188.
15. “Multi-Layered Governance of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Internet,” (in Japanese), in The World Trend in the Cyberspace Law, Special Series on Hogaku-seminar 1998-1999, Nihon-Hyoron-Sha publishers, Tokyo, Japan, 2000.
16. “Who Watches the Watchmen: Internet Content Rating Systems, and Privatised Censorship,” in eds EPIC, Filters and Freedom – Free Speech Perspectives on Internet Content Controls, Washington DC: Electronic Privacy Information Center, 1999.
17. Bowden, C., & Akdeniz, Y., “Cryptography and Democracy: Dilemmas of Freedom,” in Liberty eds., Liberating Cyberspace: Civil Liberties, Human Rights, and the Internet, London: Pluto Press, 1999, 81-125.
18. “Governance of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Global Internet: A Multi-Layered Approach,” in eds Edwards, L., and Waelde, C., Law and the Internet: Regulating Cyberspace, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1997, 223-241.

Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Akdeniz, Y., “Governing Racist Content on the Internet: National and International Responses,” (2007) University of New Brunswick Law Journal (Canada), Vol. 56, Spring, 103-161. (Available upon request via email)
2. Akdeniz, Y., “Possession and dispossession: A critical assessment of defences in possession of indecent photographs of children cases,” [2007] Criminal Law Review, (April), 274-288. (Available upon request via email)
3. Walker, C., & Akdeniz, Y., “Anti-Terrorism laws and data retention: war is over?” (2003) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 54(2), Summer, 159-182.
4. Akdeniz, Y., Anonymity, Democracy, and Cyberspace, Social Research, (2002) 69(1), Spring, pp 180-194.
5. Akdeniz, Y., “Governing pornography and child pornography on the Internet: The UK Approach,” in Cyber-Rights, Protection, and Markets: A Symposium, (2001) 32 U. West. L.A. L. Rev. 247-275.
6. Akdeniz, Y., “UK Government and the Control of Internet Content,” (2001) The Computer Law and Security Report 17(5), pp 303-318.
7. Akdeniz, Y.; Taylor, N.; Walker, C., Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (1): State surveillance in the age of information and rights, [2001] Criminal Law Review, (February), pp. 73-90.
8. “New Privacy Concerns: ISPs, Crime prevention, and Consumers’ Rights,” [2000] International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 14 (1), 55-61.
9. “The Regulation of Internet Content in Europe: Governmental Control vs. Self-Responsibility,” (1999) Swiss Political Science Review, 5(2), 123-131, at <>.
10. Walker, C., & Akdeniz, Y., “The governance of the Internet in Europe with special reference to illegal and harmful content,” [1998] Criminal Law Review, December Special Edition: Crime, Criminal Justice and the Internet, pp 5-19.
11. Ellison, L., & Akdeniz, Y., “Cyber-stalking: the Regulation of Harassment on the Internet,” [1998] Criminal Law Review, December Special Edition: Crime, Criminal Justice and the Internet, pp 29-48.
12. Walker, C., & Akdeniz, Y., “Virtual Democracy,” [1998] Public Law 489-506.
13. Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., “UK Government Policy on Encryption: Trust is the Key?” (1998) Journal of Civil Liberties 3(2), 110-116.
14. “Who Watches the Watchmen: Internet Content Rating Systems, and Privatised Censorship,” (1998) The Australian Library Journal 47 (1), February.
15. “The European Union and illegal and harmful content on the Internet,” (1998) Journal of Civil Liberties 3(1), March, 31-36.
16. “No Chance for Key Recovery: Encryption and International Principles of Human and Political Rights,” (1998) Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1.
17. Akdeniz Y et al, “Cryptography and Liberty: Can the Trusted Third Parties be Trusted? A Critique of the Recent UK Proposals,” 1997 (2) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT).
18. “To Link or Not to Link: Problems with World Wide Web Links on the Internet,” [1997] Int. Review of Law, Computers and Technology 11 (2) 281-299.
19. “The Regulation of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Internet,” 1997 (1) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT).
20. “UK Government Encryption Policy,” [1997] Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1 (February). See <>.
21. “Computer Pornography: A Comparative Study of the US and UK Obscenity Laws and Child Pornography Laws in Relation to the Internet,” [1996] International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 10 (2), 235-261.

Articles in Non Refereed Journals
1. Case Report: Court of Appeal Clarifies the Law on Downloading Child Pornography from the Web, (2002) Computer Law & Security Report, 18(6), pp 433-435.
2. Akdeniz, Y., Case Review: League Against Racism and Antisemitism (LICRA), French Union of Jewish Students, v Yahoo! Inc. (USA), Yahoo France, [2001] Electronic Business Law Reports, 1(3) 110-120.
3. Contributed to EPIC, Privacy and Human Rights 2000: An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Practice, Washington DC: EPIC, 2000.
4. “Anonymous Now,” Index on Censorship, The Privacy Issue, 2000 (3), June, pp 57-62.
5. “The case for free speech,” The Guardian, (Online Section), 27 April, 2000.
6. Contributed to EPIC, Cryptography and Liberty 2000: An International Survey of Encryption Policy, Washington DC: EPIC, 2000.
7. Case Analysis: Laurence Godfrey v. Demon Internet Limited, (1999) Journal of Civil Liberties, 4(2), 260-267.
8. Akdeniz, Y., Bohm, N., & Walker, C., “Internet Privacy: Cyber-Crimes vs Cyber-Rights,” (1999) Computers & Law, (10) 1, April/May, 34-39.
9. Contributed to EPIC, Cryptography and Liberty 1999: An International Survey of Encryption Policy, Washington DC: EPIC, 1999.
10. Akdeniz, Y., Bohm, N., & Walker, C., “Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Response to the March 1999 DTI Paper: Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce – A Consultation Document,” (1999) The Source Public Management Journal, 22 April, at <>.
11. Akdeniz, Y, & Bohm, N, “Internet Privacy: New Concerns about Cyber-Crime and the Rule of Law,” (1999) Information Technology & Communications Law Journal (5) 20-24.
12. Contributed to EPIC, Privacy and Human Rights: An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Practice, Washington DC: EPIC, 1998.
13. Walker, C., & Akdeniz, Y., “UK Law Online: the legal system on the Internet,” Amicus Curiae 1998, 11(Oct), 6-7.
14. “Child Pornography on the Internet,” [1998] New Law Journal 148 (6833), 451-452.
15. “Copyright and World Wide Web Links,” (1998) Information Technology & Communications Law Journal (1) 29-32.
16. “The battle for the Communications Decency Act 1996 is over,” [1997] New Law Journal 147 (6799), page 1003.
17. “Copyright and the Internet,” [1997] New Law Journal 147 (6798), pages 965, 966.
18. “Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties’ Response to the DTI Consultation Paper,” Comment, 1997 (2) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT).
19. “Section 3 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990: an Antidote for Computer Viruses!” [1996] 3 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues.
20. Akdeniz, Y., “Irish group advises self-regulation to combat Net abuses,” Freedom Forum, July 14, 1998.
21. Akdeniz, Y., “Turkish teen convicted for Web postings,” Freedom Forum, June 8, 1998.
22. Akdeniz, Y., “What is wrong with Internet Rating Systems and Filtering Software,” (1998) The Chronicle – changing Black Britain, June, at <>.
23. Akdeniz, Y., “UK Encryption Wars,” Wired News, May 25, 1998.
24. Akdeniz, Y., “The European Union’s Approach to Governing Illegal and Harmful Content on the Internet,” (1998) The CPSR Newsletter, 16(2), Spring, 12-14.

Governmental Submissions:
1. Response to the Home Office Consultation Paper on Possession Of Non-Photographic Visual Depictions of Child Sexual Abuse, June 2007.
2. Response to the Home Office Consultation Paper on Investigation of Protected Electronic Information, August 2006.
3. Response to the Home Office Consultation Paper on Possession of Extreme Pornographic Material, December 2005.
4. Modern Internet Governance, chapter for the Second Informatics Congress Law Report, ( Ankara, Turkey, May, 2004.
5. CR&CL(UK) Statement for the European Parliament, Temporary Committee on the ECHELON interception system, meeting of Thursday, 22 March, 2001, Brussels.
6. CR&CL(UK) submission to the Cabinet Office, Better Regulation Task Force, Inquiry into Regulating Cyberspace: Better Regulation for e-commerce, October 2000.
7. CR&CL(UK) submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union by Sub-Committee B (Energy, Industry and Transport) on e-Commerce: Policy Development and Co-ordination in the European Union, May 2000. This submission was published in House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union, Fourteenth Report, E-Commerce: Policy Development and Co-ordination in the EU, HL Paper 95-I, August 2000.
8. CR&CL(UK) Briefing for the House of Commons, Second Reading Debate of the “Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill”, 6 March, 2000.
9. CR&CL(UK) Memorandum for the Internet Content Summit 1999, 9 September, 1999.
10. Akdeniz, Y., Bohm, N., Walker, C., “Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Response to the March 1999 DTI Paper: Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce – A Consultation Document,” 1 April, 1999.
11. Memorandum by the Members of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Committee on Electronic Commerce Inquiry, February 1999.
12. CR&CL(UK) response in relation to the DTI, Promoting Electronic Commerce: Consultation on Draft Legislation and the Government’s Response to the Trade and Industry Committee’s Report, CM 4477, October 1999.
13. Akdeniz, Y., Bohm, N., Walker, C., “Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Memorandum,” to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee on Electronic Commerce Inquiry, February 1999. This submission was published in House of Commons Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Report on Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce (1998-99 HC 187).
14. CR&CL(UK), “Who Watches the Watchmen: Part III – ISP Capabilities for the Provision of Personal Information to the Police,” February 1999, (with Nicholas Bohm).
15. Global Internet Liberty Campaign Member Statement, “The US Child Online Protection Act (‘CDAII’) Criticised,” October 1998, (with David Sobel, EPIC).
16. CR&CL(UK) Report: “Who Watches the Watchmen: Part II – Accountability & Effective Self-Regulation in the Information Age,” September 1998.
17. Global Internet Liberty Campaign Member Statement, “New UK Encryption Policy criticised, February 1998.”
18. CR&CL(UK) Report, “Who Watches the Watchmen: Internet Content Rating Systems, and Privatised Censorship,” November 1997.
19. Global Internet Liberty Campaign Submission on illegal and harmful content to the Irish Minister for Justice, July 1997.
20. Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) (“CR&CL(UK)”) Report on UK Encryption Policy: “A Reply to the DTI Public Consultation Paper on Licensing of Trusted Third Parties For the Provision of Encryption Services,” May 1997.
21. Written submission to the European Commission on its October 1996 Green Paper on the Protection of Minors and Human Dignity in Audiovisual and Information Services, February 1997.

Testimonies and Oral Evidence Given
1.    Delivered the keynote speech during the High Level Seminar on Racism and the Internet organised as part of the Fourth Session meetings of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-27 January 2006, on 17 January, 2006.
2.    Safer use of the Internet hearing of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament, invited expert and speaker, 11 October, 2004.
3.    Guaranteeing Freedom of the Media on the Internet Conference, invited expert and speaker, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (“OSCE”), The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27-28 August, 2004.
4.    Guaranteeing Freedom of the Media on the Internet: Seminar with Experts, invited expert, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (“OSCE”), The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna, Austria, 30 June, 2004.
5.    Civil Society representative, the World Bank Knowledge Economy Forum III, Budapest, Hungary, 23-26 March, 2004.
6.    Oral Evidence given, European Parliament, Temporary Committee on the Echelon Interception Systems, Brussels, Belgium, 21 March, 2001.
7.    “The E media: an avenue for communication or cyber crime?” panelist, United Nations Symposium for the Media on the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, 13 December 2000, Palermo, Italy.
8.    Gave oral evidence in front of a Trade and Industry Select Committee on Electronic Commerce Inquiry at the House of Commons, March 9, 1999, following the submission of the Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Memorandum to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee, February 1999.
9.    NGO representative the OECD Ministerial Conference, “A Borderless World: Electronic Commerce,” in Ottawa, Canada, October 7-9, 1998.

Conferences, and Panels organised / chaired

New: Panel chair, Hate Speech and Discrimination: Developments within the Black Sea Region, The 6th Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression, 22-24 May, 2009.

1.    Guaranteeing Freedom of the Media on the Internet Conference, invited expert and speaker, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (“OSCE”), The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27-28 August, 2004. “Hate Speech on the Marketplace of Ideas” panel chair.
2.    Training on Right to Information Law in Turkey, a 3 day training programme co-organised with the Faculty of Law and Human Rights Law Research Center, Istanbul Bilgi University in Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakir, Turkey, 4-6 June, 2004. Chair of the training programme and speaker.
3.    International Conference on the Right to Information in Turkey, conference co-organiser, Istanbul Bilgi University, 26 February, 2004, organised by Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law and Human Rights Law Research Center, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), and Cyber Rights & Cyber Liberties. Human Rights and the Right to Information panel chair.
4.    Privacy and the Internet panel, panel chair and conference co-organiser, VI. Internet in Turkey Conference, 9-11 November, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.
5.    Conference Chair, LAWTEL’s E-Commerce and E-Tailing Law Conference: Security, Trust and Consumer Confidence in the Information Age, London, 17 October, 2000.
6.    Conference Chair, LAWTEL’s Data Protection 2000 Conference: A legal and practical guide since the implementation of the Data Protection Act 1998, 14 June, 2000, London.
7.    Panelist and organiser, Beyond Control or Through the Looking Glass? Threats and Liberties in the Electronic Age, The Oxford Union Debating Chamber, 28 April, 2000 organised by Humanities Computing Unit, University of Oxford.
8.    Panel chair, “Free Speech and Cyber-Censorship II,” and “The Governance of Internet Content Regulation in Europe,” paper presented. Computers, Freedom, & Privacy: The Next Millenium Conference (“CFP99”), organising committee, Washington D.C., 6-8 April, 1999.
9.    Cyberspace 1999: Crime, Criminal Justice and the Internet, BILETA Conference, organising committee, College of Ripon and York, St John, Lord Mayor’s Walk, York, 29-30 March 1999. Working Paper presented: “New Privacy Concerns: ISPs, crime prevention, and consumers’ rights.” See
10.    “European Union and Member States Approaches to Internet Content Regulation Panel,” chair, at the “Outlook for Freedom, Privacy, and Civil Society on the Internet in Central and Eastern Europe,” Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 4-6 September, 1998.

Conference Papers and Lectures

New: Akdeniz, Y., Internet Censorship “Alla Turca”, Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum: Conflict Prevention in the Multimedia Age, paper presented at a panel entitled “Suppressed websites – will censors lose the race?,” organized by the Committee to Protect Journalists, 05 June, 2009.
New: Akdeniz, Y., To Block or Not to Block: European Approaches to Terrorist Use of the Internet, and Implications for Freedom of Expression and Information, Council of Europe Forum on Anti-terrorism legislation and its impact on freedom of expression and information, Reykjavik, Iceland, 27 May, 2009.
New: Akdeniz, Y., Racist content, hate speech, and discrimination on the Internet: Implications for freedom of expression, The 6th Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression, 22-24 May, 2009.
New: Akdeniz, Y., To Block or Not to Block: European Approaches to Content Regulation, and Implications for Freedom of Expression, paper presented at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s First Fundamental Rights Conference entitled Freedom of expression, a cornerstone of democracy – listening and communicating in a diverse Europe, Paris, 8-9 December, 2008.

1.    Akdeniz, Y., respondent, Positions on the Politics of Porn Conference, Durham University, 15 March, 2007.
2.    Akdeniz, Y., “Governance of Hate Speech on the Internet,” Expert Meeting on Internet Governance in the OSCE Region, organised by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and the Forum des droits sur l’internet, Paris, France, 15 December 2006.
3.    Akdeniz, Y., “Governing Racist Content on the Internet”, paper presented, and invited speaker, ECRI Expert Seminar on combating racism while respecting freedom of expression, Council of Europe, 16-17 November 2006, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. Panelist at the “Destructive power of racist and discriminatory speech and expression: exploring the extent and content” panel on 16 November, 2006.
4.    Invited panelist at the Openness Panel, The Road to Athens, The Internet Governance Forum: a UK perspective, expert meeting organised by Nominet UK, London, 09 October, 2006.
5.    “UK and European approaches to Racist Content on the Internet,” plenary speech, at the 3rd International Symposium on Hate on the Internet, organised by Bnai Brith Canada, in Toronto, Canada, on 11 September, 2006. Presented also a paper entitled “UK public order laws and the difficulty of applying them to the Internet,” at the Legal/legislative/government workshop entitled “How to access existing protections” during the Symposium.
6.    “Combating Racist Content on the Internet,” Hate Speech from the Street to Cyberspace: Cases and Policies in Specific Contexts Conference, invited speaker, 31 March-01 April, 2006, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
7.    “Child Protection or Thought Policing? The Dilemma of Regulating Indecent Pseudo-Photographs of Children,” Keynote Speech for the Forensic Psychology – Technology & Crime Conference, 04 February, 2006 @ Didsbury Campus, the Manchester Metropolitan University.
8.    “A case study on the application and implementation of freedom of information law in Turkey,” Seminar on Freedom of Information in Morocco, organised by National Democratic Institute for International Affairs(NDI) & Socialist Union of Popular Forces (U.S.F.P), Rabat, Morocco, 08 December, 2005 (with Avniye Tansug).
9.    “Regulation of Internet Child Pornography in Turkey,” Combating Child Pornography: Greece, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria Conference, 18 October, 2005, Athens, Greece, organised by The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children and INHOPE: The Association of Internet Hotline Providers, invited joint speaker (with Avniye Tansug).
10.    “A Critical Assessment of Freedom of Information Law in Turkey,” National Integrity Conference: Best Practices for Ministries, 14 October, 2005, Baku, Azerbaycan organised by ABA/CEELI, OSCE Office in Baku, and US Embassy, invited joint speaker (with Avniye Tansug).
11.    “Training on Freedom of Information in Turkey,” organised by Antenna for Human Rights: an Initiative for Freedom of Expression, and NGO based in Turkey, in Istanbul, Turkey, 16-17 September, 2005 (trainer and training programme director).
12.    “Better Internet Policy Making: Is it possible to develop a working system?” invited speaker and panelist, Safety and Security in a Networked World: Balancing Cyber-Rights and Responsibilities: An Oxford Internet Institute Conference at the Saïd Business School, 10 September, 2005.
13.    “Regulating Internet Child Pornography: National, Supranational, and International Responses,” paper presented at the Symposium on Online Child Exploitation, The University of Toronto Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, Toronto, Canada, 02 May, 2005. International commenter for the Freedom of Expression, Privacy and Child Pornography on the Internet panel.
14.    UNESCO International Conference on Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace, Paris, France, 3-4 February 2005, invited speaker, and panelist: Freedom of expression, codes and creativity.
15.    “Modernisation of the Turkish Policy Process and the role of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Exercises, The Prime Ministry,” invited speaker, Ankara, Turkey, 15 September, 2004.
16.    Guaranteeing Freedom of the Media on the Internet Conference, invited expert and speaker, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (“OSCE”), The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27-28 August, 2004. “Who Watches the Watchmen? The role of self-regulation within the context of Internet content regulation” speech delivered.
17.    CyberCrimes and Abusive Images: Recent Developments, and Future Directions, invited speaker, 5th COPINE Conference: Psychological and Legal Issues of Internet Abuse Images – Conference on future directions, 24-26 May, 2004, Cork, Ireland.
18.    A new beginning? The enactment of the Turkish Right to Information Act, invited keynote speaker, Press Council annual meeting, 17 April 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
19.    Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Expression in the Digital Communications Environment, invited speaker, OSI Information Policy Programme Annual Meeting, 21 February, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
20.    Civil Society Participation to the policy making process of the Turkish Government in relation to the development of an Information Society in Turkey, invited speaker, OSI Information Policy Programme Annual Meeting, 19 February, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
21.    Internet Governance in Turkey: A Multi-layered Approach? Invited Speaker, 2003 Inet-TR: Internet in Turkey conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 December, 2003. Panelist, Problem of Internet SPAM and technical and regulatory challenges panel, 12 December, 2003.
22.    Internet Governance and Freedom in Turkey, paper presented at the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe Conference on Freedom of the Media and Internet and, 13-14 June, 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (invited speaker)
23.    A critical assessment of the Council of Europe Cyber-Crime Convention, paper presented at the 21st Century Digital Court, 28 May, 2003, the University of Leeds, Leeds.
24.    Paper presented at the December 2002 Inet-TR conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
25.    Communications Surveillance: Implications for Workplace Privacy, speech at the Data Protection/Freedom Of Information (Walker Morris) Conference, Leeds, 30 October, 2002.
26.    The Council of Europe Cyber-Crime Convention and article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights: A critical assessment, paper presented at the Democracy, Freedom and the Internet: How Digital Technologies Empower or Undermine Civil Liberties Conference, European Parliament, Brussels, 10 July, 2002.
27.    Developing an International Legal Framework on Child Pornography on the Internet, paper presented, COPINE Conference 2002, University of Cork, Ireland, 18-19 April, 2002.
28.    Regulation of child pornography on the Internet, paper presented, Child Pornography and the Internet conference, 18 September, 2001, Barbican Centre, London.
29.    Rights Undermined: A Critical Assessment of the CoE Cyber-Crime Convention, paper presented, SPTL Conference, Glasgow, 10 September, 2001.
30.    Freedom of expression in the Information Age, paper presented, International Symposium on Freedom of Expression, organised by Association for Liberal Thinking and the European Commission, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-9 June, 2001.
31.    Privacy and Surveillance in the Information Age, paper presented, No Star Wars: International Conference to Keep Space for Peace, University of Leeds, May 4-6, 2001.
32.    Privacy, Anonymity, and Surveillance in the Information Age, paper presented, Privacy Conference, Central Eastern University, Budapest, Hungary, 22-23, March 2001.
33.    Southampton Lecture: Defending Cyber-Rights, 1 December, 2000, University of Southampton.
34.    Cyber-Crimes vs Cyber-Rights: Developing policies in the workplace environment, paper presented, IQPC Protecting Your Business from Cyber Crime Conference, 28th & 29th September 2000, London.
35.    Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C., Encryption and Policing in Cyberspace, paper presented, British Society of Criminology Conference 2000: Crimes of the Future: The Future(s) of Criminology, 5-7 July, 2000, Scarman Centre, University of Leicester.
36.    Panelist, The Internet: Extending Press Freedom? – A Debate to Mark World Press Freedom Day 2000, Article 19 Event, Wednesday, May 3, 2000, Cyberia Cafe, London.
37.    “Future of Internet Law and Policy in Turkey: Perspectives from Europe and the United States,” paper presented, Internet and the Law Conference, 14 April, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.
38.    Akdeniz, Y., & Walker, C.P., “Whisper Who Dares: Encryption, Privacy Rights and the New World Disorder,” paper presented, INET’99: The Internet Global Summit, San Jose, 22-25 June, 1999.
39.    “Policing Child Pornography: Effective Law Enforcement,” paper presented at the second COPINE (Combating Paedophile Information Networks in Europe) Conference to be held at the Royal Academy, Brussels, Belgium, on April 1-2, 1999.
40.    “The protection of privacy on the Internet: Cyber-crimes, ISPs, and individuals’ rights,” speech held at the Internet Interest Group Meeting of the Society for Computers and Law: The Impact of the Data Protection Act on the Internet, Linklaters, London, 22 March, 1999.
41.    “Encryption and Privacy: The Global Policy Disorder,” workshop held at the annual conference of European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research, E-Commerce and New Media: Managing Safety, Security and Malware Challenges Effectively, Aalborg, Denmark, 28 February to 2 March 1999.
42.    “CyberCensors: The development of Rating & Filtering Systems in Europe,” paper presented as a panelist at the “Speech Online and Access” session of the “The Public Voice in the Development of Internet Policy Conference,” organised by the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, October 7, 1998, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
43.    “Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Participation on Internet Policy Making and Promoting Democracy Through the Net,” paper presented at the same conference.
44.    “The Governance of the Internet in Europe with Special Reference to Illegal and Harmful Content,” paper presented with Professor Clive Walker at the Inet98 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998.
45.    “European Governments and Control of Online Content,” panelist at the Inet98 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998.
46.    “The Role of NGOs in Developing Internet Policies: The Global Internet Liberty Campaign,” panelist at the Inet98 Conference, 24 July, 1998.
47.    “Privatised Censorship? A Critique of the Rating & Filtering Systems for the Internet Content in Europe,” paper presented at the Freedom Forum Conference entitled, “Filters, PICS, the Internet and the First Amendment,” Washington D.C., June 9, 1998.
48.    “Nottinghamshire CC vs the Net: The JET Report, censorship and freedom of information on the Internet,” seminar held at the Law Faculty, Nottingham Trent University, May 21, 1998.
49.    “A History of Content Regulation on the Internet,” paper presented at the SLSA Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, April 1998.
50.    “Control of Online Content,” panelist at the Freedom Forum, European Center, London, February 25, 1998.
51.    “Censorship on the Internet,” seminar held at the Law School, University of Glasgow, November 13, 1997.
52.    “Internet Content Regulation,” paper presented at the JETAI 97 Conference, University of Glasgow, November 13, 1997.
53.    “Encryption and International Principles of Human and Political Rights,” paper presented at the 8th Joint European Networking Conference, Edinburgh, 14 May 1997.
54.    “Copyright on the Internet: Problems created by the WWW links,” seminar held at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds, 13 May, 1997.
55.    “Regulation of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Internet,” paper presented at the SLSA Conference, Cardiff – 2-4 April 1997.
56.    “Computer Pornography,” seminar held at the Law Faculty, University of Leeds, 8 May, 1996.

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