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Ratification Status for the CyberCrime Convention

Following the first five ratifications, the Council of Europe’s Cybercrime Convention came into force on July 1, 2004. Ratification Status as of April 2008 The signing and ratification process for the Cybercrime Convention resulted with…

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CoE ISP & Law Enforcement Guidelines published

Guidelines for the cooperation between law enforcement agencies and Internet Service Providers against cybercrime were developed under the auspicies of the Council of Europe’s Cybercrime Project were adopted by the global Conference on Cooperation Against…

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Internet Child Pornography and the Law

My new book is just out Internet Child Pornography and the Law: National and International Responses, Ashgate, published in April 2008 (ISBN-13 978-0-7546-2297-0). This book sets out to provide a critical assessment of the problem…