EU – Personal data protection ? consultation on legal framework

EU – Personal data protection ? consultation on legal framework: “(Tech and Law blog)
The EU are conducting a wide-ranging consultation to seek views on the new challenges for personal data protection in order to maintain an effective and comprehensive legal framework to protect individual?s personal data within the EU. Any views may be submitted by email, whether by citizen or organisation or public authority, on: What are the new challenges for personal data protection, in particular in the light of new technologies and globalisation? Does the current legal framework meets these challenges? What future action would be needed to address the identified challenges? The consultation web page has links to useful background papers, including papers and slides from a data protection conference ‘Personal data ? more use, more protection’ held by the Commission in May 2009. For that conference there are slides on identity management as well as data protection, freedom of information, transparency, security and law ? all of which are relevant here. Deadline for submission of contributiosn: 31 December 2009.

(Via QuickLinks Update.)